The use of artificial intelligence is now crucial for environmental and climate issues, including oceanography. In this context, SCAI, ISCD and the Institut de l'Océan of Sorbonne Université joined their forces to offer a transdisciplinary summer school for PhD and post-doctoral students. 20 students will be selected  according to their academic background, their research subject & their motivation to participate in this school.

The objective: to acquire knowledges and skills in AI applied to oceanography (marine biology - omics, imagery -, physics, modeling, etc.)

Registration is open here


Practical information:

The summer school will take place in the seminar room of SCAI, the Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence. It is located on the Pierre and Marie Curie Campus, 4 place Jussieu (métro Jussieu), 75005 Paris.
To join SCAI, you have to enter on the campus through security, and then turn right and walk to the « Esclangon » building.
Enter the Esclangon building and then take the exit on the left to take the stairs outside on the right. SCAI is just at the top of the stairs
See the map attached.

Important: Do not forget to bring your own laptop equipped with an Ethernet port.


The summer school will be from 9h to 17h or 18h, from Monday to Friday.

Monday 29th August: Introductions and reminders
From 8h30 to 9h: Arrival of the participants
9h-9h10: Presentation of the summer school (Sakina Ayata, LOCEAN)
9h10-10h10: Round table/presentation of each participant (about 2-3 min each)
10h10-11h: Presentation of the computing environment and connexion tests (Christophe Bouder, SCAI)
11h-11h15: break
11h15-12h15: Introduction to Python - Part I (Jean-Olivier Irisson, LOV)
13h45-14h15:  Presentations of the Institute of the Ocean (Christophe Prazuck, director of the Institute) and of SCAI (Xavier Fresquet, deputy director of SCAI) 
14h15-15h15:  Introduction to Python - Part II (Jean-Olivier Irisson)
15h15-15h30: break
15h30-17h:  Introduction to Python - Part III (Jean-Olivier Irisson)

From 17h30: Social event: Pétanque tournament at the Arènes de Lutèce, a park nearby the campus.

Tuesday 30th August: Linking biology and marine environment
9h-10h30: Lecture on Marine genomics (Lucie Bittner, ISYEB)
10h30-10h45: break
10h45-12h15: Lecture on Machine Learning for Distribution models (Jean-Olivier Irisson, LOV)
13h45-15h15: Practical lab on Machine learning for marine genomics - part I (Lucie Bittner & Jean-Olivier Irisson)
15h15-15h30: break
15h30-17h: Practical lab on Machine learning for marine genomics - part II (Lucie Bittner & Jean-Olivier Irisson)
17h-17h30: Example of machine learning applications by Fotonower (Victor Reutenauer,

Wednesday 31th August: Derivation of poorly observed variables
9h-10h30: Lecture on Remote sensing and ocean color (Cédric Jamet, LOG)
10h30-10h45: break
10h45-12h15: Lecture on SOM and filling by CNN for ocean color data (Cédric Jamet & Anastase Charantonis, ENSIIE)
13h45-15h15: Practical lab on Machine learning for ocean color data - part I (Cédric Jamet & Anastase Charantonis)
15h15-15h30: break
15h30-17h: Practical lab on Machine learning for ocean color data - part II (Cédric Jamet & Anastase Charantonis)

Thursday 1st September: Image classification
9h-10h30: Lecture on plankton quantitative imaging (Jean-Olivier Irisson, LOV)
10h30-10h45: break
10h45-12h15: Lecture on vision transformers (Matthieu Cord, LIP6)
13h45-15h15: Practical lab on transformers for image classification - part I (Hugo Touvron, Facebook AI Research, & Jean-Olivier Irisson)
15h15-15h30: break
15h30-17h: Practical lab on transformers for image classification - part II (Hugo Touvron & Jean-Olivier Irisson)
17h-17h30: Example of machine learning applications for ocean data by Amphitrite (Alexandre Stegner & Evangelos Moschos, LMD/Amphitrite,

Friday 2nd September: Dynamic modeling
9h-10h30: Lecture on Marine ecosystem modeling (Sakina Ayata, LOCEAN)
10h30-10h45: break
10h45-12h15: Lecture on AI-informed physics (Patrick Gallinari, ISIR)
13h45-15h15: Practical lab on AI-informed physics - part I (Redouane Lguensat, IPSL)
15h15-15h30: break
15h30-17h: Practical lab on AI-informed physics - part II (Redouane Lguensat, IPSL)
17h-17h15: Conclusion of the summer school




Bajon Raphaël, UBO, LOPS, Brest, France

Bauchot Perrine, ENSTA/IMT, Lab-STICC, Brest, France

Dobbelaere Thomas, Earth and LIfe Institute, UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Drago Laetitia, SU, LOV, Villefranche-sur-mer, France

Elhourany Roy, LOG, Lille, France

Jenkins Joseph, Univ. Toulon, LIS/MOI, Toulon, France

Lau-Medrano Luis, Univ Montpellier, MARBEC, Sète, France

Meuriot Ophélie, Imperial College London, London, UK

Michaud Félix, SU, ISYEB, Paris, France

Moreno Bernabé, IOPAN, Gdynia, Poland

Panaïotis Thelma, SU, LOV, Villefranche-sur-mer, France

Pedro Soto, Ifremer, Brest, France

Pierre Faure--Giovagnoli, Pierre, LIRIS/INSA, Lyon, France

Roy Amédée, Univ Montpellier, MARBEC/IMT, Brest, France

Serrano Louis, SU, ISIR/MLIA, Paris, France

Somacal Agustin, SU, LJLL, Paris, France

Terrats Louis, SU, LOV, Villefranche-sur-mer, France

THIAM Mamadou, SU, LATMOS, Bondy, France

Venkataramanan Aishwarya, UL, LIEC, Metz, France

Zhang Jie, SU, LOV, Villefranche-sur-mer, France/Trieste, Italy

Zheng Qi, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

Zhang Zelu, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK