International conference organised by videoconference in partnership with SCAI, the Institut des hautes études de défense nationale and the Société de géographie de Paris.

Friday, June 18: The Geoint, a tool of military power and crisis management

9:00 am: Opening by Professor Philippe Boulanger (Sorbonne University) and Mr. Alexandre Papaemmanuel (IHEDN)
9:15 am: Introduction by the National Coordinator of Intelligence and the Fight against Terrorism, Prefect Laurent Nuñez
9:35 am: "The challenges of GEOINT for the French Armed Forces" by Major General of the Armed Forces Eric Autellet

Session 1: What is the status of GEOINT in France?
Chairman: Pr Philippe Boulanger (Sorbonne University)
10:00-10:20: "Geoint at the Military Intelligence Directorate for the benefit of units and decision support" by Admiral Denis Bertrand (Military Intelligence Directorate).
10:20-10:40: "The Geoint and domestic intelligence" by Mr. Emmanuel (General Directorate of Internal Security)
10:40-10:50: Discussion

Session 2: The Geoint, a power factor
Chair: Alexandre Papaemmanuel (Digital Defense Commission, IHEDN)
11:00-11:20: "The Geoint and Space" by General Michel Friedling (Space Commander)
11:20-11:40: "Geography, a weapon for the Army" by Major General Michel Delion (Director of the Command Doctrine and Education Center)
11:40-12:00: "The GeoInt at the service of maritime security" by Admiral Christophe Prazuck (Sorbonne University)
12:00-12:15: Discussion

Session 3: The Geoint and military operations
Chair: Jean Guisnel, journalist at Le Point
14h00-14h20: "Cyber operations and Geoint" by General Didier Tisseyre (Commander of the Cyber Defense Command)
14h20-14h40 : " Geoint and action of Special Forces " by Mr. Colonel François (Staff of the Special Operations Command)
14h40-15h00 : " From photons to applications " by Jean-Marc Delvit (CNES management, space observation laboratory)
15h00-15h15: Discussion

Session 4: Geoint and crisis management
Chair: Admiral Christophe Prazuck (Sorbonne University)
15h30-15h50 : " The Geoint in support of the mission and operation of the European Union " by Mr. Alexis Letulier (Director of the Technical Division, European Union Satellite Center)
15h50-16h10: "Complex operations in urban areas" by Mr. Commandant Tabart (Ministry of the Interior, Paris Police Headquarters)
16:10-16:30: "The legal reliability of geospatial information" by Armelle Verdier (AVM- Lawyer)
16h30-16h45: Discussion


Saturday, June 19: Geoint, geographic and digital knowledge


Session 5: Geographic knowledge, Geoint and Artificial Intelligence
Chair: Professor Gérard Biau (director of SCAI)
9:00-9:20: "AI for the continuity between intelligence and operations" by Arnaud Guerin (co-founder and director of Prelingens)
9:20-9:40: "Human geography and geospatial intelligence, from data to algorithms" by Pierre Marchand (Sorbonne University-Preligens)
9h40-10h00 : " AI driven GEOINT coupled with drone persistence : the new revolution for intelligence ? " by Mr. Colonel (ret) Christophe "Taraz" Fontaine (Regional Director Europe for Strategic Development GA-ASI).
10:00-10:15: Discussion

Session 6: Geographic data management and Geoint
Chair: Alexandre Papaemmanuel (Digital Defense Commission, IHEDN)
10:30-10:50: "The GeoInt coupled with new technologies of mass data processing: high added value for strategic economic decision-making in times of great uncertainty" by Oscar Friedel (Director of Kayros).
10:50-11:10: "Data, a factor in determining a five-dimensional geography of a territory? "by Djamel Metmati (Thalès Group)
11:10-11:30 a.m.: "Taking into account the geographical framework of the action by the French army in 1914-1918" by Colonel Christophe Gué (Center of doctrine and teaching of command).
11h30-11h40: Discussion

Session 7 : Geoint Systems and Intelligence
Chair: Frédéric Saffroy (University of Lille, IRHiS)
14h00-14h20: "Advanced Geoint at the heart of multi-source intelligence" by Jean-Baptiste Henry (Airbus Defense and Space-Team leader TCIMI2-GEOINT Projects)
14h20-14h40: "Implementation of spatial data processing chains in the Geoint domain: feedback & perspectives" by Stéphane Lhomme (Geosystems France)
14h40-15h00 : " Beata, an advanced and interoperable tactical intelligence system, using 4D, 3D, cross and predictive analysis " by Michael Ericsson and Olivier Marion (Carmenta Geospatial Technologies)
15h00-15h20 : " The challenge of taking into account multi-source data " by Jeff Reux (Geo4I) 15h20-15h35 : Discussion

Session 8: Geoint and Spatial Analysis
Chair: Pr Philippe Boulanger (Sorbonne University)
15h45-16h05: "Characterizing activity in operations: the concept of ABI" by Jean-Philippe Morisseau (Consultant in the field of GEOINT and former analyst in the special forces)
16h05-16h25 : " Geography of the Cyber Space : what are the methodological and technological solutions to map the Deep and Dark Web ? "by Nicolas Hernandez (AlepNetworks)
16h25-16h45: "Visualizing Big Data to act: how to map life? "by Frédéric Saffroy (University of Lille, IRHiS).
16h45-17h05: "GIS, a system at the heart of intelligence processes - issues and challenges" by Jérémie Majerowicz (Esri Europe Management)
17h05-17h25 : " Deployment and involvement of Turkey in the Libyan conflict " by Guillaume Epie (Geo4I).
17h25-17h35: Discussion

17h35-17h45: Conclusion of the conference by Mr. General Grégoire de Saint-Quentin (Préligens)