Save the date!

2pm, Paris Inria Center

With the intervention of BenoƮt Sagot: "Image-enhanced machine translation: modeling and evaluation challenges"

Provisional program (to be confirmed)

- 2:00 p.m.: reception

- 2:30 p.m.: keynote

- 3:15 p.m.: my thesis in 180s for 1st year (2022 doctoral students)

- 3:45 p.m.: round table

- 4:30 p.m.: my thesis in 180s 1st year (doctoral students 2022)

- 5:00 p.m.: networking cocktail and presentation of posters from the 2nd year (2023 doctoral students) and PRPhD doctoral students.

- 6:30 p.m.: END

More information to come !

Registration free but compulsory