AI and Climate is a pluridisciplinary research group launched in 2017 at Sorbonne University. In this group, researchers in Climate and Environmental sciences cooperate with Data Scientists  with two main goals:
- develop the synergy between two major scientific paradigms: the physical paradigm underlying climate and environmental models, and the more recent paradigm of data science
- develop AI models for climate and environmental challenges.

The group has also started to organize meetings and seminars by inviting researchers from these different communities. 

The next seminar will take place on October 14 at SCAI and remotely on the topic: "Power-efficient deep learning algorithms". The speaker, Sébastien Loustau, is a researcher in mathematical statistics and Machine Learning. He will present both theoretical and practical aspect of how designing power-efficient deep learning algorithms. After a non-exhaustive survey of different contributions about the machine learning perspective (training low bit-width networks), the hardware counterpart (CNNs accelerators) and the relationship with Auto-ML and the NAS procedure, he will present a theoretically based approach to add the power efficiency constraint into the optimization procedure of training deep nets. This work in progress bridges optimal transport and information theory with online learning.

Information and registration on the dedicated website.