This day is dedicated to PhD students in SCAI doctoral program. It will allow everyone to present their research topics and work over the past year.
2nd year doctoral students will present their main achievements after one year of research (10mn + 5mn questions).
PhD students starting their thesis in 2020 will present their topics (5mn + 5mn questions).
The day will also be an opportunity to present the doctoral program (activities, opportunities, etc.) and to present SCAI and its initiatives to everyone.




09.15 - G. Biau & X. Fresquet - Welcome
09.30 - Ninon Devis - Lightweight deep learning on real-time embedded   architectures
09.40 - Mireille Fares - Multimodal modelling of expressivity and alignment for human-machine interaction
10.10 - Imad Bekkouch - Knowledge Graph Embedding & GAN for Medieval Manuscript Studies
10.20 - Yoann Taillé - Data enrichment of a health data warehouse by accurate annotation of textual clinical documents 
10.40 - Constantin Bone - Détection et attribution des changements climatiques à l’échelle régionale par méthodes neuronales
10.50 - Ahmed Akakzia  Interaction Learning for Intrinsically Motivated Autonomous Agents 
11.10 - Ludovic Arnould - De l’interprétabilité des réseaux de neurones
11.20 - Marine Buffard - Instagram through the prism of artificial intelligence 
11.40 - Mohamed Chetouani - Humane AI - doctoral programme opportunities
12.00 - Jérémy Fersula - Distributed Online Learning in the realm of Active Matter
12.10 - Duc-Phong Nguyen - DEEPFACE - Enhanced facial behavior recognition and rehabilitation using 3D biomechanical features and deep learning approaches 
12.30 - Thibault Grison - « Discriminations algorithmiques » ? L’intelligence artificielle entre aide à la modération et censure sur les réseaux sociaux numériques
12.40 - Lunch break
13.30 - O. Vereschak - Understanding and Supporting User Decisions in Human-AI Interaction
13.50 - Nai Boonkongkird - Apprentissage profond pour la cosmologie avec la forêt Lyman-Alpha
14.00 - Arthur Filoche - Data Assimilation for Hybrid physical-machine learning models. Application on the nowcasting of precipitations
14.20 - Aniss Acherar - Détection et identification de Plasmodiums sur des images microscopiques
14.30 - Theophilos Spyrou - Reliable and functionally safe AI hardware
14.50 - Gabriel Mahuas - How do natural convolutional neural networks deal with noise?
16.00 - Gauthier Tallec - Multitasking learning method using deep neural networks: application to the identification of respiratory distress.
16.20 - Caroline Parfait - Analyse de l’espace littéraire : apprentissage automatique et évaluation des systèmes de reconnaissance des entités nommées
16.30 - Léon Migus - Deep Neural Networks and Differential Equations
16.40 - Félix Michaud - AI for biodiversity monitoring: data-driven ecoacoustics to explain spatio- temporal dynamics of an ecosystem
16.50 - Maya Sahraoui - Enrichissement joint, bases de connaissances - textes - images, par machine learning dans le contexte de l’identification en biodiversité
17.00 - Camilo Sarmiento - Merging action models to non-monotonic and deontic logics in order to simulate ethical reasonings