W​orkshop on Machine Learning for Fluid Dynamics

6th - 8th March 2024

Sorbonne University, Paris, France

This two and half day long workshop will be the first edition of a “Machine Learning in Fluid Dynamics” workshop in relation with the SIG54 activities.

Pierre and Marie Curie (Jussieu) Campus of Sorbonne University, 
4 Place Jussieu, 75005, Paris, France 

Local Organizing Committee:
Prof Paola CINNELLA (Sorbonne University)
Prof Taraneh SAYADI (Cnam)
Prof Patrick GALLINARI (Sorbonne University)
Dr. Xavier MERLE (ENSAM Paris)

Abstract submission by 15th December 2023: 1 page-abstracts
Abstract submission procedure by email: ML4FLUID@cado-ercoftac.org

Decision: 8th January 2024
Early registration: 31st January 2024

S​cientific Committee: 
I​vette Maria Rodriguez Perez (U Politecnica Catalunya)
Andrea Beck (U Stuttgart)
Georgios Rigas (Imperial College)
Richard Dwight (TU Delft)
Ricardo Vinuesa (KTH)
Luca Magri (Imperial College)
Marcello Meldi (ENSAM Lille)
Pedro Stefanin Volpiani (Onera)
Maria Vittoria Salvetti (U. Pisa)
Stefan Hickel (TU Delft)
Alessandro Parente (U. Libre Bruxelles)
Heng Xiao (U. Stuttgart)
Laurent Cordier (CNRS-PPRIME)
Bruno Desprès (Sorbonne University)
Elie Hachem (Mines ParisTech)
Oriol Lehmkuhl (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
Christopher Rumsey (NASA Langley)
Gary Coleman (NASA Langley)

Keynote Speakers:
Romit Maulik, Penn State, US
Heinz Pitsch, TU Aachen, Germany
Bruno Desprès, Sorbonne U, France