The SOUND.AI program offers 19 co-funding of doctorates around AI.
The deadline for submitting thesis topics is November 30, 2023.
The call for applications open to candidates will be from December 1 to January 31, 2024.

Led by SCAI and members of the Sorbonne University Alliance, the MSCA COFUNDSOUND.AI program aims to promote excellence in training, mobility and career development for doctoral students within one of the of the most vibrant AI communities in the world.

From 2023, the SOUND.AI project is implementing a highly selective program open to 30 doctoral students recruited internationally. It will rely on the scientific and strategic policy of Sorbonne University and its partners to actively develop fundamental and applied projects around three key interdisciplinary areas:

Already involved in the Sorbonne University Alliance since 2012, the project partners (Sorbonne University, MNHN, UTC, Insead, Inria, IRD, Inserm and CNRS) support teaching through research, educational innovation and creation of experimental multidisciplinary programs.
Extra-academic partners, who naturally fit into the three areas of the program, bring their cross-cutting expertise. They also provide training on subjects in which they are specialists such as cultural data (BnF), artistic creation (Ircam), health (APHP), renewable energies (IFPEN), certification of AI systems (LNE) , outreach (City of Paris).

The European (ELLIS, CLAIRE, UCL) and North American (MILA, UC Berkeley, OBVIA) partners of the project offer the winners a wide choice in terms of international mobility or training. These high-level partnerships all share a common goal: to develop human-centered artificial intelligence research.

Finally, the complementarity of the program's industrial partners provides an essential element for the research and training of doctoral students. Their diversity - large groups (EDF, Suez, Essilor, Pierre Fabre, SIEMENS, Valeo), SMEs (CRITEO, Naver Labs), start-ups (Datacraft, Hugging Face, OpenClassrooms) - will introduce the winners to different professional cultures through training or research activities.
A strong point of the program, this diversity will make it possible to best adjust the content offered to the winners from a professional point of view.

What is the MSCA-COFUND?

MSCA-COFUND aims to stimulate doctoral and postdoctoral programs in order to promote excellence in the training, mobility and career development of researchers, thus spreading the best practices of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions.
The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) support research training and career development focused on innovation skills. The program funds international and intersectoral mobility that implements excellent research in all fields through a bottom-up approach.