Lecture of the Faculty of Health

The augmented man: confrontation or hybridization between the machine and homo sapien

By Raphaël Gaillard, Psychiatrist and neuroscience researcher.

Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 5 p.m.
Amphi E, 105 bd de l'hôpital - 75013 Paris

Free admission and registration required

Yesterday, artificial intelligence was a science fiction fantasy. Here it is about to replace us in many functions. Should we anticipate a confrontation between the machine and homo sapiens?
Psychiatrist and neuroscience researcher Raphaël Gaillard shows that this new intelligence, born by imitating our brain, has every reason to hybridize with our own intelligence. The challenge will not be to compete with AI but to succeed in this hybridization. Already, brain-machine interfaces allow a paralyzed man to walk or transmit his thoughts. Tomorrow we will use AI as we use our smartphones, everywhere and all the time, as an appendage of ourselves, or even by incorporating it. Should we be afraid of it? How can we prepare for this new era? What about the future of our brains, and therefore our mental health?

The conference will be followed by a cocktail at 6 p.m.

Coming soon: video of the conference.