The objective of the Climate TRACCS (Transforming Climate Modeling for Climate Services) research program is to transform climate modeling methods, to improve our understanding of climate impacts and risks, to develop climate services enabling help in the development and implementation of actions to adapt to climate change. The aim of this Call for Projects (AAP) is to contribute to the objectives of the TRACCS program by complementing the research activities implemented as part of its targeted projects.

Four themes were identified and constitute the framework of this AAP:

Within this call, two financing instruments are open:

A total of €6M is allocated for all the projects financed as part of this call.

The call for projects will take place in two stages. In a first mandatory phase, 2-page letters of intent are requested. They will be analyzed and selected by an internal evaluation committee at PEPR TRACCS as well as the president of the international jury formed for this call for projects. Following this analysis, the pre-selected letters will form the basis for in-depth exchanges and discussions during a workshop organized between the two phases, as well as a series of webinars aimed at encouraging synergies and refocusing collaborations on the identified axes. In a second phase, the holders of the preselected letters will be asked to submit complete projects, which will be evaluated by the jury of international experts set up by the ANR.

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