This synthesis is produced by the parliamentary office for the evaluation of scientific and technological choices.

A specter haunts the world, the specter of artificial intelligence. It fuels irrational anxieties as well as excessive expectations. AI technologies seem both omnipresent and elusive, yet their diffusion is still quite relative and their contours are fairly well-known to specialists. AI is becoming an increasingly political phenomenon that calls for democratic control.

The future President of the United States, Donald Trump, even declared on November 28, 2024 that he intended to appoint an "artificial intelligence tsar" who would sit alongside him in the White House. Therefore, taking stock of these technologies and their challenges now seems essential.

Commissioned in July 2023 by the offices of the National Assembly and the Senate to study new developments in artificial intelligence in the context of the generative AI revolution, the Office presents a report that attempts to both take stock of artificial intelligence technologies and anticipate emerging trends.

This report traces the technological developments of the different AI models and the details of how they work, identifies their political, economic, societal, cultural and scientific issues, and addresses regulatory issues, comparing the French national AI strategy to nearly 20 others, six in the European Union and eleven in the rest of the world, and analyzing around ten global governance projects for artificial intelligence.

In conclusion, it proposes 18 recommendations, five of which are to be supported as part of the Summit for Action on AI to be held in Paris on 10 and 11 February 2025.

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