"AI & Equality : A Human Rights Toolbox" offers a multidisciplinary approach to AI development with Human Rights at the core.

Part of the SCAI Education online course platform, this toolbox provides an overview over mechanisms leading to negative impacts, as well as technical and non-technical solutions to achieve AI systems respecting Human Rights. 

It is aimed at a multidisciplinary audience, bridging computer science, human rights law, social science, policy aspects, as well as the inclusion of the lived experience of the communities that are impacted by an AI system. 

Real world inequalities are reproduced within algorithms and flow back into the real world. It is a common belief in the engineering and data science community that data presents neutrality and truth. This is a myth: data and AI systems are both relative and contextual. Without context and purpose, data is just a set of numbers without meaning. 

Thanks to numerous concrete examples (in Financial Services, Large Language Models, Recruitment Process, Health devices...), participants will get a detailed understanding of a human-rights-based approach to AI development, including the mindset and knowledge that enables them to consider and innovate on mechanisms to create and deploy AI systems aligned with human rights.

We strongly encourage any curious, amateur or professional in data sciences to take this course! (Free registration required)

This toolbox was produced with the Swiss association Women at the Table (w@tt).

Image credit: The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN Human Rights)