The PEPR Artificial Intelligence (AI) constitutes the upstream part of the acceleration strategy decided by the State to contribute to the recovery effort and prepare the future of France by meeting the economic, social and environmental challenges in artificial intelligence (second phase of the national strategy for AI).

The operational implementation of the PEPR IA is materialized through two types of projects: targeted projects, launched at the start of the program and which bring together research communities structured around well-defined themes, covering the axes of the PEPR IA, and projects selected via Calls for Projects (CFP), which aim to extend the structuring towards an existing but diffuse scientific community, to respond to well-defined problems, in addition to the objects treated within the framework of the targeted projects. This document describes the Call for Projects, which is specific to the "mathematical foundations" axis of the PEPR IA, and which has a funding budget of €6M: it specifies the context and objectives of the call, its phasing, the themes and projects expected, the procedures for submitting proposals, the procedure for examining and selecting candidate projects as well as the evaluation criteria for proposals and the general provisions for funding. The projects will have a duration of between 36 and 48 months. The amount of aid requested must be a minimum of €600k and a maximum of €1M.

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