  • Professor
  • ISIR - Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique
  • Communities
    Mathematics, Computer Science & Robotics
  • Expertise
    Multi agent systems


Co-head of the Master program Androide (Artificial Intelligence, Operational Research, Decision, Interaction, Robotics and Agents)

Selected publications

- H. Hamann, M. Schranz, W. Elmenreich, V. Trianni, C. Pinciroli, N. Bredeche, E. Ferrante. Designing Self-Organization in the Physical Realm. in Frontiers in Robotics and AI, section Multi-Robot Systems, 2020. 

- P. Ecoffet, J-B. André, N. Bredeche. Learning to Cooperate in a Socially Optimal Way in Swarm Robotics. Published at the Conference on Artificial Life (ALIFE), 2020.

- S. Doncieux, N. Bredeche, L. Le Goff, B. Girard, A. Coninx, O. Sigaud, M. Khamassi, N. Díaz-Rodríguez, D. Filliat, T. Hospedales, A. Eiben, R. Duro. DREAM Architecture: a Developmental Approach to Open-Ended Learning in Robotics. Preprint on HAL.

- Paul Ecoffet, Nicolas Bredeche, Jean-Baptiste André. Nothing better to do? Environment quality and the evolution of cooperation by partner choice. Preprint on Biorxiv.

- A. Duburcq, N. Bredeche, Y. Chevaleyre. Online Trajectory Planning Through Combined Trajectory Optimization and Function Approximation: Application to the Exoskeleton Atalante. Accepted at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2020 (1 of 3 finalists for Best Paper Award in service robotics).

International collaborations

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands), University of Coruna (Spain), University of Ochanomizu (Japan)

Industrial collaborations
