MaxiMask and MaxiTrack: two new tools for identifying contaminants
in astronomical images using convolutional neural networks, Paillassa M., Bertin E., Bouy H., 2019, submitted to A&A
Photometric redshifts from SDSS images using a convolutional neural network, Pasquet J., Bertin E. et al., 2019, A&A 621, 26
The strong gravitational lens finding challenge, Metcalf R. et al., 2019, A&A 625, 119
Finding high-redshift strong lenses in DES using convolutional neural networks, Jacobs C. et al., 2019, MNRAS 483, 5330
Cosmological Constraints from Multiple Probes in the Dark Energy Survey, Abbott T. et al. 2019, PhRvL122, 1301
Fermilab + Univ. Illinois + NCSA (USA): Dark Energy Survey
Observatoire de Geneve (Suisse) + Universite de Munich (Allemagne): SExtractor++