Pierre-Yves BOËLLE

  • University Professor - Hospital Practitioner
  • IPLESP - Institut Pierre-Louis d'Epidémiologie et Santé Publique
  • https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pierre_Yves_Boelle
  • Communities
    Health, Medicine & Biology
  • Expertise
    Data analysis
    Mathematical models
    Multi agent systems
    Precision medicine
    Problem solving
    Statistical learning


Head of Team "Surveillance and Modelling of Communicable Diseases"; Director of doctoral school 'Public Health ED393'

Selected publications

- Robineau, Olivier & Gomes, Marcelo & Kendall, Carl & Kerr, Ligia Regina & Périssé, André & Boelle, Pierre-Yves. (2020). Model-based Respondent-driven sampling analysis for HIV prevalence in brazilian MSM. Scientific Reports. 

- Bigé, Naïke & Lavillegrand, Jean-Rémi & Dang, Julien & Attias, Philippe & Deryckere, Stéphanie & Joffre, Jeremie & Dubée, Vincent & Preda, Gabriel & Dumas, G. & Hariri, Geoffroy & Pichereau, Claire & Baudel, Jean-Luc & Guidet, Bertrand & Maury, Eric & Boelle, Pierre-Yves & Ait-Oufella, Hafid. (2020). Bedside prediction of intradialytic hemodynamic instability in critically ill patients: the SOCRATE study. Annals of Intensive Care. 

- Boelle, Pierre-Yves & Delory, Tristan & Maynadier, Xavier & Janssen, Cécile & Piarroux, Renaud & Pichenot, Marie & Lemaire, Xavier & Baclet, Nicolas & Weyrich, Pierre & Melliez, Hugues & Meybeck, Agnes & Lanoix, Jean-Philippe & Robineau, Olivier. (2020). Clinical Medicine Trajectories of Hospitalization in COVID-19 Patients: An Observational Study in France. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 9. 3148. 

- Pullano, Giulia & Di Domenico, Laura & Sabbatini, Chiara & Valdano, Eugenio & Turbelin, Clément & Debin, Marion & Guerrisi, Caroline & Kengne-Kuetche, Charly & Souty, Cécile & Hanslik, Thomas & Blanchon, Thierry & Boelle, Pierre-Yves & Figoni, Julie & Vaux, Sophie & Campèse, Christine & Bernard-Stoecklin, Sibylle & Colizza, Vittoria. (2020). Underdetection of COVID-19 cases in France in the exit phase following lockdown. 

- López, Jesús & Arregui-Garcĺa, Beatriz & Bentkowski, Piotr & Bioglio, Livio & Pinotti, Francesco & Boelle, Pierre-Yves & Barrat, Alain & Colizza, Vittoria & Poletto, Chiara. (2020). Anatomy of digital contact tracing: role of age, transmission setting, adoption and case detection. 

International collaborations

Imperial College London (UK), Instituto Ruiz (Brazil)