  • Senior Lecturer
  • LOCEAN - Laboratoire d'Océanographie et du Climat
  • https://jbrlod.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr
  • Communities
    Climate, Environment & The Universe
  • Expertise
    Climate modeling
    Data analysis
    Deep learning
    Machine learning


2018-present Member of the board of the National Program for Spatial Remote-sensing (PNTS)

2018-present Member of the Coordination Committte of the Colloquium ISCD

2017-present Co-coordinator of the board of the network for Statistics for

Selected publications

Bocquet, M., Brajard, J., Carrassi, A., & Bertino, L. (2019). Data assimilation as a learning tool to infer ordinary differential equation representations of dynamical models. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 26(3), 143-162.

Pinjosovsky, H. S. B., Thiria, S., Ottlé, C., Brajard, J., Badran, F., & Maugis, P. (2017). Variational assimilation of land surface temperature within the ORCHIDEE Land Surface Model Version 1.2. 6. Geoscientific Model Development, 10(1), 85-104.

Issa, L., Brajard, J., Fakhri, M., Hayes, D., Mortier, L., & Poulain, P. M. (2016). Modelling surface currents in the Eastern Levantine Mediterranean using surface drifters and satellite altimetry. Ocean Modelling, 104, 1-14.

Eberhart, P., Brajard, J., Fortin, P., & Jézéquel, F. (2015). High performance numerical validation using stochastic arithmetic. Reliable Computing, 21, 35-52.

Brajard, J., Santer, R., Crépon, M., & Thiria, S. (2012). Atmospheric correction of MERIS data for case-2 waters using a neuro-variational inversion. Remote sensing of environment, 126, 51-61.

International collaborations

I have been invited one year (2018-2019), and temporally employed (2019-2020) in NERSC (Bergen, Noway)